Proptech ’24

InterContinental - London

Ident2be at the proptech 2024

We received lots of information.

Ident2be had an exciting and impactful experience at PropTech 2024 in London. The event was a perfect platform to connect with key players in the property technology sector and share our vision for the future of real estate. We were thrilled to meet innovative startups, industry leaders, and forward-thinking investors, all eager to explore how technology is shaping the next phase of property management and development. Our presentations highlighted how Ident2be’s solutions empower property owners and managers to leverage data analytics, smart building technologies, and automation to streamline operations, enhance sustainability, and improve tenant satisfaction. The feedback we received was overwhelmingly positive, with many attendees showing great interest in how we simplify complex processes and deliver tangible results. The event’s atmosphere was buzzing with energy, and we found the networking opportunities invaluable. We engaged in meaningful discussions about the latest trends, such as AI-driven property insights, blockchain for real estate transactions, and digital twins. These conversations allowed us to gain deeper insights into the challenges and opportunities facing the industry. Overall, PropTech 2024 solidified Ident2be’s position as a key player in driving digital transformation in real estate, and we left inspired and excited for the future.
Our host elvire roovers with the microphone

We have informed lots of companies.

Ident2be is a cutting-edge platform that revolutionizes property management through technology. Our solution integrates data analytics, automation, and smart building technologies to help property owners and managers make informed decisions, reduce operational costs, and improve tenant experiences. From energy efficiency optimization to predictive maintenance and streamlined communication, our platform ensures that properties are managed efficiently and sustainably. At PropTech 2024, we showcased these capabilities through interactive presentations, illustrating real-world use cases of how our technology transforms property management. We demonstrated how our data-driven tools enable property managers to predict maintenance needs, monitor energy usage, and automate tenant services, all from a single dashboard. Our presentations were designed to engage attendees by providing concrete examples of cost savings, enhanced building performance, and improved tenant satisfaction. We spoke to many industry professionals, tailoring our discussions to their specific needs and challenges. Through live demonstrations and Q&A sessions, we showed how Ident2be’s solutions can adapt to both small-scale residential properties and large commercial developments. By emphasizing practical benefits and offering clear insights into our technology’s potential, we created a strong connection with the audience, leaving a lasting impression on how Ident2be can support their goals in the evolving real estate landscape.

Room Access System

Room Reservation

Visitor Registration

Sport Access System

Key Management

Internet Access

Employee Access

Remote Management

Payment Systems

Locker Management

Parking Registration

Customer Registration